Vidar - The Smart and Automated Dispenser

Item number: 10.0569.1
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  • einstellbare Wunschmenge
  • grammgenaue Abfüllung
  • Produktmischungen ohne Zwischenwiegen
  • Nutzung beliebiger Kundenbehältnisse
  • All-in-One-Reinigung
  • IT-Integration in bestehende Systeme
  • verfügbar als Stand-Alone oder Regalsystem
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Product Description

Vidar, the smart and automated dispenser, fills your goods with precision to the gram at the push of a button.

The Vidar dispenser fills your product mixtures directly into any customer container without intermediate weighing.

The Vidar dispenser is easy to use and offers time-saving all-in-one cleaning and ensures a hygienic working environment.

Thanks to its integration into existing IT systems, the Vidar dispenser can be seamlessly integrated into your workflow and enables you to work even more efficiently.

Vidar is available as a stand-alone version or as a shelf system.

Unpackaged. Automated. For all.



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